Tuesday, July 11, 2006


World eBook Fair: July 4th-August 4 2006

The World eBook Fair is on from July 4th to August 4 2006 to celebrate the 35th birthday of Project Gutenberg. There are 300.000 free eBooks in a lot of different categories.

This event is brought to you by the oldest and largest free eBook source on the Internet, Project Gutenberg, with the assistance of the World eBook Library, the providers of the largest collection, and a number of other eBook efforts around the world. The World eBook Library normally charges $8.95 per year for online access, and allows unlimited personal downloading. During The World eBook Fair all these books are available free of charge through a gateway at http://www.gutenberg.org and http://WorldeBookFair.com.


You are encouraged to participate in The World eBook Fair, by downloading any of the 1/3 million eBooks provided here for personal use. The World eBook fair is currently scheduled for the next few July and August periods as follows:

2007 1/2 Million eBooks
2008 3/4 Million eBooks
2009 One Million eBooks

The World eBook Fair, Project Gutenberg, and World eBook Library, along with our other participants, join together to encourage you to assist in bringing many entire libraries to the general public and to encourage ever increasing levels of literacy and reading.

We hope the invention of eBooks will advance the world as much as did the invention of The Gutenberg Press, and look forward to the Neo-Industrial Revolution following the advent of eBooks, just as the invention of The Gutenberg Press undoubtedly led to the first Industrial Revolution, and your participation can help bring this new revolution in reading and libraries to the world.


Astronomy Picture of the Day Wallpaper

The Astronomy Picture of the Day archive has some fantastic pictures. I used to check them on line when I had time but I recently moved to the APOD wallpaper program. It is a neat program that automatically updates the desktop with the latest APOD picture and explanation. Starting the day with a beauty like The Cat's Paw Nebula is a pleasure:

Astronomy Picture of the Day is a web site hosted by NASA and maintained by professional astronomers who pick a new exciting beautiful astronomy picture every day. Astronomy Picture of the Day has been active for more than 7 years, successfully sharing the beauty of the universe with us all. APOD brings it one step further, setting those beautiful astronomy pictures, optionally with their scientific explanation, as your desktop wallpaper

Thursday, July 6, 2006


Microsoft Ultimate Keyboard

The Microsoft Ultimate Keyboard looks pretty cool:

The ergonomic keyboard also has some pretty neat new features

  • Intelligent back light with proximity sensing that changes according to the ambient light

  • 30 feet Bluetooth range