Monday, May 30, 2005


GreatNews bloglines integration

GreatNews is a free RSS reader that integrates with bloglines. Cool idea as an offline client would be great for travelling.

I tested GreatNews with my bloglines subscriptions and it works, sort of. Choose Channel, Add, Bloglines sync channel and choose the channels you want to synchronize:

GreatNews downloads all the unread items from bloglines and marks the feeds as read. This is a problem for me as all the items are removed from bloglines as a result. I cannot read some items online and some offline, I have to read all of them offline otherwise I loose items.

The issue has already been reported in the forum so I hope it is fixed before the release as GreatNews has several neat features.

Via jkOnTheRun

1 comment:

  1. Cool,man, here is some tips about greatnews that I wanna to share with you.

    You can configure greatnews to use firefox by option–>usability. Tick box before ‘open rss link in external default browser’.

    As in your case, firefox is your default one.

    You can also use it as outlook style by ticking view–>news list.

    After that, once you click on a special feed, you will see all the news you received are displayed in a pane one by one as every single email item looklike.
