Wednesday, October 27, 2004


iTunes in Italy!!!

iTunes is finally available in Italy and a whole bunch of other countries. It has tons of music, you can burn as many CDs as you want of the songs you buy, including MP3 CDs. Buying the new U2: Vertigo single now and can't wait for the whole album to be released. Cool Or What?

I tried earlier this summer but was very disappointed when I couldn't buy a couple of songs on any of the big stores:

  • MSN Music has loads of music but they only sell to the US :-(

  • Rhapsody requires a $9 monthly subscription for streaming. It is possible to download an burn songs but you pay an additional + $0.79 for each song. This makes sense if you buy tons of music or can listen to the streaming the whole day. I'm usually stuck behind some http proxy so I can only listen at night :-(

  • Wippit has some UK movies but not the big names :-(

Guess I'll swap my Rhomba for an iPod sooner or later. Maybe the new U2 special edition iPod 

Or the iPod Photo edition


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