Bio diesel in Italy?
The subject of bio diesel continues to confuse me. Rudolf Diesel made his engine to run on bio diesel: (from Wikipedia)
Biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic, and typically produces about 60% less net carbon dioxide emissions than petroleum-based diesel,[2] as it is itself produced from atmospheric carbon dioxide via photosynthesis in plants.
Can someone please explain me why we are still using fossil based diesel that is worse for the engine and pollutes more?
Some vehicle manufacturers are positive about the use of biodiesel, citing lower engine wear as one of the fuel's benefits. Biodiesel is a better solvent than standard diesel, as it 'cleans' the engine, removing deposits in the fuel lines.
Bio diesel came up in the Italian news last year when the gas prices sky rocketed. As expected the gas companies where quick to explain that bio diesel were bad, very bad, but what surprised me was that some consumer organizations also stated that consumers should not use bio diesel. If it really is so bad, how do you explain the success of Lovecraft?
Lovecraft Biofuels has converted over 1400 vehicles to run on vegetable oil in the last five years. We specialize in a single tank system that allows you to mix new or waste vegetable oil, diesel and/or bio-diesel in any combination using the original fuel tank. We have Conversion Centers in Los Angeles, California and Portland, Oregon and have customers from around the world successfully running on our conversions.
I can't help it, I want it. Let me know if you know of any companies in southern Europe that does bio diesel conversions.
via Wired [082 July 2007] (PDF)